Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Anchors Under The Skin

This is one of the older not commonly used procedures anymore this procedure is a take off on the hair-weaving industry. Certain hair weavers employ doctors to literally anchor hair tufts to the scalp with plastic-coated steel wire. Various companies have an assortment of names for the process, each insisting that theirs is a less painful and safer method than those of their competitors. but they all revolve around the same principle--and the process does hurt, and it is not perfectly safe!
No matter how hard they try to make their literature convey the fact that theirs is not a medical operation, the truth remains--it is a form of surgery. (How else could you categorize steel stitches being anchored into the scalp?)Therefore, the client runs the risk of all common surgical implications.
Although it is a somewhat more permanent method of hair replacement than regular hair weaving, it has the same disadvantages and more. It is even harder to clean around the sutures than woven hair, and often times the body rejects it, forcing it to the surface.
Due to the filling of several affidavits by clients complaining of bleeding, headaches, infections, and even tumors, the Federal Trade Commission has cracked down on the reputability of the industry's claims.

David Hansen

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